Motivation. Am I good enough for this? #ABC2020

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#05 Am I Good Enough Diya SelvaAm I good enough for… ? Whoa! Let me start with a spoiler, yes you are! It’s a common fear among entrepreneurs that whenever they lack motivation or something goes wrong, we suck up the blame and think we are not good enough for this.

Day 5 of April Blogging Challenge. I’m enjoying it so far… reminiscing a few old clients, catching up with them while I write my posts, well, the social distancing has put a lot of time on our hands. I hope if you are reading this, you are making good use of this time as well. 

And because we are all different and unique, we have various ways of translating it. Some of us suddenly turn into workaholics going in to an overdoing mode, putting in a brave face, trying to prove it to the world by faking it. And some others just shut down, go into avoidance or procrastinate or throw in the towel.

When your actions are not delivering the results you wanted, you feel like you’re in a boat going nowhere. Like a hamster in a cage, feeling overwhelmed and wondering “Am I actually cut out for this? How is it that there are so many of my colleagues and competitors out there that are rocking it, but I cannot? Maybe I’m  not good enough”

When this happens, calm down for a bit. Take two steps back, sit down and say “what is my relationship with motivation? Why am I so obsessed with the final destination that I have no interest in the journey? Have I been constantly making it a habit to fight laziness, procrastination and drain?”

Not everyone is built to revel at productivity, inspiration consistently driving and being super-efficient although we all want to get there. Jim Carrey, Canada’s funniest comedian suffers from depression, takes prosaic and motivates to rest of the world to be successful… In his own words, well, read here.

#05 Diya SelvaMotivation is an integral component of an entrepreneur. Running a business takes a lot of hard work, patience and time to finally get to that point of success. Success in business is not like instant coffee or a one click Amazon delivery. It’s more like a home-cooked feast. It might take 10 days to prep, 18 hours to cook and one hour to eat. Not to mention the dishes and the clean up after.

Here’s a few things to do to snap back into that superwoman mode again.

  1. Turn down the volume on your inner critic. That inner bi**h seems to be pulling you down pointing out little failures over and over again, questioning your every ability to make things work.
  2. Stop constantly comparing yourself to everyone else. If you think others are having it better than you, there are several others who are thinking that you have it better than them. Prove them right.
  3. Remember the last time you thought you were good enough or better than others. How did it feel? Re-kindle that feeling.
  4. How are you managing your self in the time slot that you have for work? Everyone has 24hrs in a day, right? If you plan your activities better to fit into the time slot your house for work, prioritize tasks, put distractions away, you might be able to achieve much more than you could possibly imagine. I wrote more about this on Day 3 of #ABC.
  5. Network with the right people. Meet other people who feel the same way like you do. Ask and find out what they do when this feeling hits them. You will realize you’re not alone.
  6. Talk to your bestie. Get her perspective and ask her what she does when she’s in the same situation. If you are local to Toronto, get in touch with me to join my thought partners collaboration. (It’s currently free to join and you pay only for your meal. We meet periodically and cheer and motivate everybody and be a sounding board to our members.
  7. Stop blaming circumstances and other people for what you’re not able to achieve. Take responsibility for your own actions and take it up as a challenge to prove to yourself that you are indeed, good enough or better.
  8. Build better habits. Whether it is cutting off a habit that has been stopping you from being your best or starting a new habit that you know you should be cultivating. For me it’s a constant battle trying to stop myself from scrolling through my social media or obsessively playing that cell phone game I’m addicted to.
  9. Finally, stop judging yourself constantly.  We are all humans, thus creatures of habit, even though we break resolutions every day, tomorrow is a fresh start. Here’s another previous post I wrote on how not to ever lose focus again.

Anyone can start a business but being successful is hard. And constant motivation is the hardest part. Remember why you started and remember your enthusiasm at that time. Stay motivated, enjoy the journey, do all you can and the success will come.



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